6th grade learning longitude and latitude.
over 2 years ago, Ginny Blackwell
Learning longitude & latitude .
Learning latitude and longitude
Learning latitude and longitude
Learning latitude & longitude
School ratings are out for the first time in two years! Visit TXschools.gov to see the rating for your child’s school and learn about how your child’s school is preparing them for both the next grade level and success after high school. ¡Las calificaciones escolares están disponibles por primera vez en dos años! Visite TXschools.gov para ver la calificación de la escuela de su hijo y aprender cómo la escuela de su hijo lo está preparando tanto para el siguiente grado como para tener éxito después de la escuela secundaria.
over 2 years ago, Nicole Sifford
We are currently without electricity. Estimated time of power returning is 1:30pm. We will continue school as usual and will keep you updated of any changes.
over 2 years ago, Nicole Sifford
ATTENTION: 8th Grade Parents!!!
over 2 years ago, Nicole Sifford
Thank you Dew Methodist Church
over 2 years ago, D. Evans
over 2 years ago, Nicole Sifford
Happy August!! Just a few reminders...
over 2 years ago, Nicole Sifford
Don't forget to log in to Your Parent Portal and do online registration for your students before school starts. There will be a drawing for a prize for those that have completed it before Meet the Teacher on 8/10/2022.
over 2 years ago, Nicole Sifford
FREE meals at Dew ISD for the 2022-2023 school year!
over 2 years ago, Nicole Sifford
over 2 years ago, Nicole Sifford
Support our local firefighters!
over 2 years ago, Nicole Sifford
We hope you are all having a safe & Happy 4th of July! 🎇🧨🎆
over 2 years ago, Nicole Sifford
over 2 years ago, Nicole Sifford
Returning students: Registration is now open!! See below.
over 2 years ago, Nicole Sifford
Good luck, Bulldogs!!!
over 2 years ago, Nicole Sifford
Stay up to date this summer:
over 2 years ago, Nicole Sifford
Yesterday we celebrated retirements, today we celebrate a new life! Congratulations, Mrs. Powell! We can't wait to meet Jesse Michael Powell!
over 2 years ago, Nicole Sifford
What an amazing year we have had!
over 2 years ago, Nicole Sifford
We have made forever friends. We are a team.
over 2 years ago, Liz Brooks
Tugging together
Team work
Forever friends in fifth grade
Pre-K is always finding exciting, new ways to learn through play. Teamwork in action!
over 2 years ago, Tracy Awalt